A different kind of golf partner.
We want your clients to stay a while.
We give locals the incentives to make it happen.
We're B2B. We partner.
IMRSV shines a spotlight on timeless golf destinations.
We partner with iconic local golf clubs, hotel & property owners, governments, and business leaders to provide authentic ways to help them engage with the lucrative world of global golf enthusiasts.
Amateur Events
Competition. Let visiting golfers take on the locals. Match play. Stableford. A series of innovative afternoon competitions and mixers at the Club that welcome visitors.
Historic Assets. The Environment. IMRSV is dedicated to preserving the heritage of historic golf clubs while minimizing environmental impact. Our more traditional, "slow" travel model reduces the constant movement and emissions inherent in current models, fostering sustainability.
A different kind of golf partner
IMRSV provides access to easy and affordable golf experiences in some of the world's most admired - and remote - golf regions. Hidden gem courses in regions that encourage visitors to slow down and enjoy their holiday.
Golf membership
While your golfers are over, they're Members at their region's Home Course. They can hang out with and play matches against the locals (they're waiting) and take advantage of reciprocal deals with other regional Clubs.
Regional opportunities
We manage ventures. If you, or your clients, are interested to do something in one of our regions, we can probably help. Relocations. Real estate investments. Buying or building a local business. Golf schools. Surfing schools. New revenue models for distilleries and estate owners . . .
The right hotel room
We encourage longer stays - for a week, or longer - in one location. Our partners offer rooms on a golf course or in a grand old hotel; or, in a recording studio or converted castle. It's your choice. We put it together.
Easy car rental
A fine SUV that seats 5, with a navigation system integrated to our app to take your visitors on all sorts of local adventures. Reasonably priced, fully insured, waiting outside their hotel door. We'll gas it back up for them when they're all done with it.